From the Beginning to Man: How God Declares His Love to Us Through the Design of the Universe
by Rich Deem

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Thumbnail Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 From the Beginning to Man: How God declares His love to us
2 In the beginning, God...
3 ...created the heavens...
4 Spiral Galaxy NGC 4414
5 Globular cluster NGC1850
6 Continue Continue or Tour the Universe
7 ...and the Earth
8 The heavens declare the glory of God...
9 God Proclaims His Love: Design of the Laws of the Universe
10 Design of the Laws of the Universe
11 Paul Davies quote
12 George Greenstein quote
13 Fred Hoyle quote
14 Robert Jastrow quote
15 God Proclaims His Love: Supernovae
16 God Proclaims His Love: Design of Our Galaxy
17 God Proclaims His Love: Milky Way Galaxy
18 God Proclaims His Love: Design of Our Solar System
19 God Proclaims His Love: Star Size
20 God Proclaims His Love: Protection by Outer Planets
21 God Proclaims His Love: Saturn
22 God Proclaims His Love: Jupiter
23 God Proclaims His Love: Comets
24 Violence in the Cosmos
25 ·the skies proclaim the work of His hands.
26 God Proclaims His Love: Design of the Earth, The Moon
27 God Proclaims His Love: Design of the Earth, Formation of the Moon
28 God Proclaims His Love: Design of the Earth, Atmospheric Revision
29 God Proclaims His Love: Design of the Earth, Axial Tilt
30 God Proclaims His Love: Design of the Earth, Proximity of the Moon
31 God Proclaims His Love: Design of the Earth, Tectonic Activity
32 God Proclaims His Love: Design of the Earth, Magnetic Field:
33 God Proclaims His Love: Design of the Earth, Electrical Storms:
34 Reliability of the Genesis Creation Account
35 Reliability of the Genesis Creation Account (cont.)
36 God Proclaims His Love: Creation of Humans
37 What is the Purpose of Human Life?
38 Why Does God Want Us to Choose to Love Him and Our Neighbors?
39 God is a God of order, not confusion
40 The Physical Laws of the Universe Tell of God's Righteousness and Judgment
41 The Eternal Nature of Our Souls Is Revealed to Each Person
42 The Problem - SIN:
43 The Solution - Jesus Christ:
44 How Do We Know Jesus Is the Messiah?
45 Why Must Jesus Christ Be the Creator of the Universe?
46 How Do We Reestablish Our Relationship With a Holy God?
47 The Promises: Rest for your souls (Matthew 11:28-30)
48 The Promises: The LORD will renew your strength (Isaiah 40:31)
49 The Promises: Eternal life (John 4:14)

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This slideshow was created with support to Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA), from NASA contract NAS5-26555, and is reproduced with permission from AURA/STScI. Images are used for educational purposes only, although the views represented here do not necessarily reflect those of either AURA or STScI. Some images are copyright through other individuals/organizations as indicated.

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