Evidence for Design in Biology


Intelligent design (ID) has been described as "creationism in a cheap tuxedo." The most common complaint against ID is that it is not testable and represents a "God of the gaps" argument. We actually agree that any version of ID that fails to identify the designer probably is not testable. So, we suggest that a biblical creation model be compared to the predictions of a solely naturalistic worldview. What about all the examples of poor design, including "junk DNA" and pseudogenes? Actually, the latest scientific data shows that the "best" examples of bad design are, in fact, not bad...


Book Reviews

More Evolution vs. Design

The Cell's Design: How Chemistry Reveals the Creator's ArtistryBook Review: The Cell's Design: How Chemistry Reveals the Creator's Artistry

Fazale Rana (Ph.D. in chemistry), vice president of research and apologetics at Reasons To Believe, has written a new book, The Cell's Design: How Chemistry Reveals the Creator's Artistry, that attempts to show that cellular biochemistry points to the existence of the Creator who designed it. Whereas most intelligent design books attempt to show the existence of design by demonstrating the existence of irreducible complexity, Dr. Rana examines the cell's biochemistry with broad strokes of how everything works together with such marvelous fidelity. So, even if a single piece or line of evidence might be dismissed as a statistical outlier, the weight of evidence makes a powerful case for design by a Creator. Each chapter begins with an analogy from the art world that relates to the topic at hand. Apparently, Dr. Rana is quite an art enthusiast. More...

The Edge of Evolution The Edge of Evolution: The Search for the Limits of Darwinism by Michael Behe

Darwin's Black Box author Michael Behe takes on the limits of evolution through an examination of specific genetic examples. Behe finds that mutation and natural selection is capable of generating trivial examples of evolutionary change. Although he concludes that descent with modification has occurred throughout biological history, the molecular devices found throughout nature cannot be accounted for through natural selection and mutation. Behe's book claims to develop a framework for testing intelligent design by defining the principles by which Darwinian evolution can be distinguished from design.

How Blind Is the Watchmaker?How Blind Is the Watchmaker?: Nature's Design & the Limits of Naturalistic Science by Neil Broom, William A. Dembski. This book examines the naturalistic origin of life, along with the intricate complexity of design in biology, and exposes the weaknesses of the naturalistic Neo-Darwinian paradigm.

Last Modified April 18, 2011


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