Evidence for God from Science Newsletter June, 2010

Greetings in the name of the Lord! This is the latest update for the Evidence for God website. Welcome to our new subscribers.

Contents (scroll down for descriptions)


Carole, my wife, completed her final in a series of 12 chemotherapy treatments for her brain tumor this month. Unfortunately, last week's MRI showed very dramatic changes compared to two months ago, although Carole symptoms have not changed significantly. There was a small area of enhancement (usually indicative of tumor growth) and very unusual thickening of the gray matter in the right frontal lobe. The doctors have never seen such dramatic thickening in a patient before, and so are going to repeat the MRI next week. We would appreciate your prayers for Carole's treatment.


Left Behind Answered

Left Behind Answered Verse by VerseWe have two reviews of complementary books that examine Left Behind theology. The first, examines Left Behind theology from the perspective of biblical teaching. Although the author, David A. Reed usually writes about theological errors produced by the cults, he was so disturbed by the theology of Left Behind that he felt the need to correct it. More...

    Book Review: Left Behind Answered Verse by Verse

Left Behind Eschatology

The Origins of Left Behind EschatologyThe second Left Behind offering examines the historic origins of Left Behind eschatology. Since the author, David Malcolm Bennett based the book on his doctoral thesis, it is quite a thorough examination of the topic. Bennett examines each of the eight major eschatological teachings for when they appeared in the writings of Christian church leaders. Bennett's findings show that the majority of Left Behind teachings did not appear until at least the 18th century, with the fully-formed version becoming popularized through the teachings of John Darby. More...

    Book Review: The Origins of Left Behind Eschatology

Christian theology


According to the Barna Group, the majority of Christians do not believe that Satan actually exists. However, according to an AP-AOL news poll, up to 97% of evangelical Christians believe that angels do exist. What many Christians don't seem to know is that Satan was created by God as His most powerful angelic cherub. This new page examines what Satan looks like (no, he doesn't look like the guy to the right) and why he wants you to believe that he doesn't exist. More...

    Who is Satan?: What Does the Bible Say About the Devil?


Space pictures

I tend to collect new pictures of the universe on my computer as they become available, then add them to the site's space pictures and e-cards later. However, it is has been two years since I last updated those pages, so there are now 100 new pictures on the site. More...

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Those are the most recent updates and changes since the last e-mail update. If you would like to see anything in particular at Evidence for God from Science, let me know. "I will say to the LORD, "My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!" (Psalms 91:2)

In Christ,
Rich Deem

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Evidence for God from Science
Website: http://www.GodAndScience.org

Last Modified June 28, 2010


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