Evidence for God from Science Newsletter February, 1999

I wish you all a blessed New Year with much peace and joy in the presence of our Lord and Savior. I have appreciated your feedback in the last year along with your partnership in improving and adding materials to the site.

The Year 2000 problem is still consuming much of my time, since it is a pressing issue for much of the Christian community. My page, "Y2K - are the doomsayers correct?", has generated some interest in the Christian community and has been listed as a featured link at a couple Christian web sites. In addition, a shortened version will appear in Reasons To Believe's newsletter, Facts and Faith. When my Y2K article first appeared in November, the negative Y2K news was much more common than the positive news. However, in the last month, nearly all of the news has been positive. Several Christian web sites and publications are now predicting that the year 2000 rollover will not result in massive blackouts, food shortages or telecommunications/banking problems originally predicted. The main concern now seems to be panic as a result of fear of Y2K, preparedness of county and city governments, certain departments of the federal government, and supply interruption problems from companies located outside the United States. Even some Y2K pessimists, such as Senator Bennett, are now primarily concerned about the potential of a global recession:

"In most areas, but not all, lights will stay on, banks will have cash and phones will work. Other countries will not be as fortunate...After immersing myself in the issue for more than two years, my primary concern is...an old-fashioned, global recession." - Sen. Bennett, Washington Times.

My Y2K page is being updated on a weekly basis, so check back often for the latest Y2K information:


Since the last update (November 25, 1998), I have added a page on "Y2K and Your Personal Computer." This page tells you how to test and fix your PC for the Year 2000, usually at no cost. Numerous links to free resources will guide your own personal Y2K remediation. Find out if your PC is ready for the Year 2000:



A new page was added this month, entitled Sexual Reproduction: A Continuing Mystery to Evolutionists. This page describes a continuing problem for evolutionists - an explanation for the origin and maintenance of sexual reproduction and recombination. According to Alexey Kondrashov (Cornell University), "I emphasize experimental problems, because we have tons of theories, and some are completely crazy." (http://www.GodAndScience.org/evolution/reproduction.html)

The page promised in the last update, Descent of Man Theory: Disproved by Molecular Biology appeared in December on the site. Recent studies using many state-of-the-art techniques have shown that the descent of man theory could not account for the presence on modern humans on the earth. (http://www.GodAndScience.org/evolution/descent.html)

Updated pages include:

General Rebuttal to the Theory of Evolution (http://www.GodAndScience.org/evolution/evolution.html)

Recent Problems in Evolution (http://www.GodAndScience.org/evolution/evolprob.html)


A new section has been added, "Answers for Atheists" (http://www.GodAndScience.org/apologetics/answers.html)

New papers in this section include:

What will happen to the people who have never heard of Jesus Christ? (http://www.GodAndScience.org/apologetics/neverheard.html)

What about atrocities perpetrated in the name of religion? (http://www.GodAndScience.org/apologetics/atrocities.html)

More pages will be added to this section as I get time.

Those are the recent updates since the last e-mail update. If you would like to see anything in particular at Evidence for God from Science, let me know. May the Lord lead each of you and empower you through His Holy Spirit to be witnesses for Him.

In Christ,
Rich Deem

GodAndScience.org respects your privacy and online time and plans to send updates no more frequently than once every two months. If you wish to be removed from this list, click the link at the bottom of this page.
Evidence for God from Science Website: http://www.GodAndScience.org/

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Last Modified February 9, 1999


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