Books That Discuss Biblical Creation

The Creation Date Controversy

Creation As Science: A Testable Model 
	Approach to End the Creation/evolution WarsReasons To Believe's third in a series of books proposing a testable creation model takes on the origin and design of the universe. Previous books, Origins of Life: Biblical and Evolutionary Models Face Off and Who Was Adam?: A Creation Model Approach to the Origin of Man, examined the origin of life on earth and the origin of mankind, respectively. Creation As Science develops a biblical creation model and compares the predictions of this model compared to a naturalistic model, young earth creationism, and theistic evolution. This biblical creation model is divided into four main areas, the origin of the universe, the origin of the Solar System, the history of life on earth, and the origin and history of mankind. More...

Peril in Paradise: Theology, Science, and the Age of the Earth Peril in Paradise: Theology, Science, and the Age of the Earth by Mark S. Whorton, Ph.D.

This book, written for Christians, examines creation paradigms on the basis of what scripture says. Many Christians assume that the young earth "perfect paradise" paradigm is based upon what the Bible says. In reality, the "perfect paradise" paradigm fails in its lack of biblical support and also in its underlying assumptions that it forces upon a "Christian" worldview. Under the "perfect paradise" paradigm, God is relegated to the position of a poor designer, whose plans for the perfect creation are ruined by the disobedience of Adam and Eve. God is forced to come up with "plan B," in which He vindictively creates weeds, disease, carnivorous animals, and death to get back at humanity for their sin. Young earth creationists inadvertently buy into the atheistic worldview that suffering could not have been the original intent of God, stating that the earth was created "for our pleasure." However, the Bible says that God created carnivores, and that the death of animals and plants was part of God's original design for the earth.

<The Genesis DebateThe Genesis Debate: Three teams of evangelical scholars tackle the question of how God created the universe by presenting and defending their respective views in a lively, yet friendly, forum. J. Ligon Duncan III and David W. Hall defend the view that the Genesis creation days are six, sequential days, each 24 hours long (the 24-hour view). Hugh Ross and Gleason L. Archer defend the view that the Genesis creation days are six sequential ages of time of unspecified but finite duration (the day-age view). And Lee Irons with Meredith G. Kline defend the view that the Genesis creation days are presented as normal days, but that the picture of God's creating in six days and resting on the seventh is figurative (the Framework view).

A Matter of Days by Hugh RossA Matter of Days by Hugh Ross

Dr. Ross looks the creation date controversy from a biblical, historical, and scientific perspective. Most of the book deals with what the Bible has to say about the days of creation. Ross concludes that biblical models of creation should be tested through the whole of scripture and the revelations of nature.

A New Look at an Old EarthA New Look at an Old Earth by Don Stoner

Don Stoner looks at the age of the earth from a scientific and biblical perspective. He presents much more evidence that is not presented in Creation and Time.

The older version of A New Look at an Old Earth is available online

For the Non-Christian:

Rare EarthRare Earth: Why Complex Life is Uncommon in the Universe by Peter D. Ward and Donald Brownlee

A recent (2000) secular book that recognizes the improbable design of the earth. Paleontologist Peter D. Ward and astrobiologist Donald Brownlee examine the unusual characteristics of our galaxy, solar system, star, and Earth and conclude that ET may have no home to go to. Surprisingly, the authors conclude that the amazing "coincidences" are the result of good luck and chance.

For the Christian

In His PresenceIn His Presence video.

Although this is not a book, it is one of the best resources for Christians who would like to take a break from the garbage in the world, and immerse oneself in the beauty of God's creation. The incredible photography, excellent script with numerous promises from God's word, and great contemporary and classic Christian music will inspire and encourage your soul. Highly Recommended!


Science and Apologetics

Beyond the CosmosBeyond the Cosmos by Hugh Ross

An excellent look at some of the more controversial theological aspects of Christianity. This book will encourage your faith and expand your understanding  and appreciation of God's majesty.

The Creator and the CosmosThe Creator and the Cosmos by Hugh Ross

A classic book for modern Christian apologetics and science. Dr. Ross presents the latest scientific evidence for intelligent design of our world and an easy to understand introduction to modern cosmology. This is a great book to give agnostics, who have an interest in cosmology and astronomy.

The Genesis QuestionThe Genesis Question by Hugh Ross

This latest book by Dr. Ross presents a response to popular skepticism about the first eleven chapters of Genesis, which account for the vast majority of challenges to the credibility of Christianity. With careful integration of the scientific and theological data, Dr. Ross explains how the ongoing research into the origin and development of the universe, Earth, plant life, animal life, humans, and human civilization match our best understanding of the Hebrew texts. The book describes in colorful detail the highlights of each creation day. It demonstrates the consistency of the Genesis 1 and 2 creation accounts. It offers answers to questions about:

  • Adam and Eve
  • Cain's wife and city
  • long life spans
  • the rapid increase of knowledge and wickedness
  • the purpose and extent of the Genesis flood
  • Noah's ark and its passengers
  • the rise of post-Flood civilization
  • Babel and the dispersion of humanity
  • the "dividing of the Earth in the days of Peleg"
Last updated October 30, 2006


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